Spiritual Gift of Exhortation

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Quick Profile:

Gift Type:Motivational
Origin Word:Parakaleo. Greek for “to beseech, call upon, encourage & strengthen”
Hortari. Latin for “to incite”
Biblical people mentioned with this gift5 explicitly – Titus, Judas, Silas, Paul, Barnabas

The Chatter

Encouragement is found in almost any facet of life.

A music clad quote on social media. A halftime speech from coach. A pre-wedding proposal pep talk. An altar call testimony. All of these present living soil for hope to grow in an effort to move the subject(s) forward. The gift of exhortation does the same for the Body of Christ.

The primary function of this gift is to remind us of the powerful and amazing work of God in Christ.

This gift’s name is derived from the Greek word Parakaleo and emphasizes the ability to admonish, to encourage, or to beseech. The Holy Spirit pegs those with this gift as “how to” people. Everything they speak to revolves around telling us “how to do it.”

Where in the Word is Exhortation?

The primary use of this gift at this time in scripture was to remind others of the powerful and amazing work of God. Particularly, Jesus’ work to atone for our sins. Those with this gift have the ability to motivate others & encourage them through their words.

Romans 12:12 specifies the purpose of exhorters is:

  1. To constantly rejoice in hope
  2. To be patient/steadfast in times of trouble
  3. To be devoted to seeking guidance, wisdom, and strength through prayer.

Here are some mentions of the gift in scripture:

  • Romans 12:3-8 Paul writes to the Romans about community, fellowship, and acting as one body with many parts, functions, and gifts (to include exhortation)
  • Acts 11:23-24 Barnabas is a prime example of an early evangelical exhorter. He was sent to bring others to Christ and did so not only through his words, but how he lived his life.
  • Acts 14:21-22 Paul was stoned almost to death, got up, and went with Barnabas to relay his testimony to others. Living out these Travis Greene lyrics “You got up so I can get up again”
  • Acts 15:32 Judas and Silas were prophets AND exhorters. Talk about a combo.
  • 2 Timothy 4:2 The latter part of this verse speaks to exhorting those who are growing toward spiritual maturity. If you aren’t growing toward that, I wonder what you’d be doing…
  • Titus 1:9 Paul’s epistle to Titus relayed the importance of exhortation in teaching, ensuring biblical principles get the attention they are due through clear communication.
  • Titus 2:11-15 Paul continues to implore that Titus exhorts and galvanizes the masses by commanding respect and sharing the good news of Jesus. 

How Exhortation manifests today

This gift manifests similarly to biblical times, in that it’s used to galvanize the masses to do Kingdom work. This is pushed by reminding them of what God has done and is doing in their lives and community. It is especially encouraging to those wavering in their faith, that they might be reminded of God’s goodness and continue on their path to purpose.

This gift is often shared through teaching, counseling, and motivational speaking. Think of them as the ”spiritual how-to guides”. They can easily break down biblical concepts for everyday people. You’ll typically find folks with this gift counseling others as a life coach, leading seminars, or teaching practical methods for a given topic.

Pop culture references/relations**

**These are SOLELY based on my observation & opinion

  • Pepper Potts (Marvel) – Virginia Potts can give one MEANNN pep talk. Tony Stark’s love was as warm and caring as she was intimidating in business. Not to mention her role as “Rescue” in the MCU. She led the female terror squad that gave Thanos a run for it.
  • Mufasa (The Lion King) – Simba’s dad galvanized the entire pride and earned the respect of the entire animal Kingdom. Posthumously, he left that gift to Simba after a spirit-realm heart-to-heart. (Favorite quote)
  • Fairy God-mother (Cinderella) – In any retelling of this story, there’s someone in Ella’s corner pulling the beauty and confidence within out in the form of a breathtaking ensemble and ride to the castle for the ball. Fairy Godmother is a great example of the transformative power of this gift. If only we all had someone like that to remind us who we are…(heyyy Holy Spirit).

What to pray for or practice

Pray for

Wisdom – the application of knowledge is very important when exhorting, the words you speak have an impact on every person listening and potentially those they’re connected to.

Discernment – It’s really easy to get carried away when stirred up in exhortation. Practice listening for God’s voice and relaying what He sees is best for the moment at hand.


Fortitude – In times of heaviness or discord, those with this gift will require strength to give the enemy a pink slip. Their words will support and comfort others.

(increased) Faith – How can you encourage someone to do something that you yourself do not believe? The foundation of Christianity is the belief in God, his son, and their sacrifice for us. 

Links to Info on this Gift

6 thoughts on “Spiritual Gift of Exhortation

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  1. This is the gift I’ve heard the least about but I feel a direct alignment with this. Thank you for your thorough teaching of this in every way!


    1. YAY! So glad you were able to grab something from it! Exhorters are so powerful and I pray as you cultivate your gift, you are cloaked in confidence to use it often. Stay tuned for more on the gifts in the future.


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